Monday, April 16, 2018

Wandering around Port Isaac

Outside Doc Martin's house
So, after my lovely informative walk this morning, I went and had a cup of coffee. The Brits have discovered how to make flat whites now - on the menu they are described as having been popular in Australia and NZ.  It's lovely because I used to have to drink lattes which are a little milky for my system.

After coffee I retired to my room and wrote up the last episode of the blog before I forgot it all. Then of course I had some important reading to do about the footy etc.... Eventually I ventured out again and decided to just go for a walk wherever it took me. I went along the path that I came down in the rain yesterday from the car park, and just checked my car was still there! (Which it was - thank you Jesus).

There was some beautiful scenery along that path..
Scenery on car park road

Scenery on car park road

On the way back I called into St Peter's Church (C of E) which had an exhibition about the fishing history of Port Isaac.
Not sure if you can read this... maybe try zooming in..

History of Port Isaac
Loved this painting that was at the back of the Church
Painting at back of the Church of Jesus with the fishermen
St Peter's Church
Then I made the trek up to Doc Martin's house to get the pic there.... unfortunately there was a van parked in front of it this morning on the tour.... (see above)

Then a few more pics on the way down..
Port Isaac harbour

Port Isaac harbour

Port Isaac harbour

Port Isaac harbour
So, that's just about if for  Port Isaac. I have a heap more photos but I'll save them so I can  bore you with them when I return.

Now I have to work out some accommodation for the next 2 nights, as I'm not booked in anywhere. 
Always something to be done!


  1. Such a beautiful place! - if you need to borrow a Doc Martin dvd, l can help! 😉😉

  2. Might need to take you up on that... the series will take on a whole new perspective after that visit.


The Final Episode!

As I was being driven home from the airport last night I was just composing my last post in my head - you know, the usual stuff..... flights...