Saturday, April 14, 2018

Around and about near Whitsands Bay

Map of my travels today.
So today I decided to have a rest day and it was lovely. The weather was absolutely glorious and I think nearly all of the residents of Cornwall were out and about today. So many people were sick of the gloomy weather and so they made the most of the sunshine.

I started later, even though I woke up early. I usually read my emails first thing then read important stuff like the footy news. Speaking of which, I think I can get tomorrow's game between the mighty Hawks and Melbourne live. It starts here at 6.30am, so hopefully I might be able to try out my new watchafl logon and get a live stream.

The owners of this chalet who came to visit yesterday talked about a few local places, so I decided to try those out today. They told me there was a coffee shop just 100m along the coastal path, so I went along and sure enough there it was..... absolutely full of people, including the bike brigade... seems they're everywhere!  Anyway, had my coffee and it gave me a great start to the day.

My first short journey was to Torpoint, where I went to Mass tonight. I wanted to check out the place first. Good old GMaps tried to get me down those dinky lanes, but I resisted proudly and kept to the main road and it all went swimmingly! Slight problem when I got to Torpoint, I kind of missed the turn off to the car park and nearly ended up on the ferry to Plymouth. Was a bit worried I couldn't get out of the ferry lanes, but fortunately there was an escape route right at the end. Phew... Anyway, I saw another car park and thought I would just walk to where the Church was to get my bearings. I had my phone and my Google Maps.... but somehow it did not compute...!!! I asked a few people if they knew where the Catholic Church was and lots of blank stares!!!

Finally a nice lady thought she had seen it when she walked her kids to school and she offered to walk with me there. There are some lovely people out there!!!! When I saw it, it was no wonder nobody knew about it... it is tiny.

Here's the photo . Made it to Mass!
Torpoint Catholic Church

After that the trick was to find where I had parked the car, but I just headed in the general direction of the wharf and luckily I found it.
Here's a pic of Torpoint which is a ferry terminal for Plymouth.

Torpoint ... looking across the water to Plymouth

Decided to come home and have lunch at home (only 10 minutes away),  even though GMaps got me again and we went through St Johns lane and Donkey Lane and God knows where else!!!
But when I arrived home, the bastards had pinched my parking spot.... Grrrrr.... Bloody Tourists!!! Had to park way down the road. Anyway, I knew I was going out again, so it wasn't a big drama.

So after lunch I just hopped in the car and virtually did a lap of the peninsula at the end of Whitsands Bay. (See map above)

First stop was the  Rame Head Coast Watch service where the lovely  coast watchers invited me in to have a look through their telescopes.

Rame Head Coast watchers

Coast Watchers at Rame Head.
On the way back I stopped off at the Rame C of E  Church - very ancient...

Rame Head Church

Rame Head Church ancient headstone

Rame Head Church - Interesting find.
So, I continued on my journey just cruising along....

Next stop Kingsand Cawsand - lovely little cove

Kingsand Cawsand.... very  pretty
Final place was Cremyll, where a another pedestrian ferry crosses over to Plymouth



After that journey, all that was left was a trip back to Torpoint for Mass at 6pm. Interesting Liturgy... bit of a blast from the past. There were roughly 35 people there, and I reckon the average age might have been about 75ish. Guess that's the story of the Church all over the world.

So that was the story of a very pleasant, relaxed kind of day.

Tomorrow, sadly, I have to pack up and move on, but another adventure awaits me as I move to Port Isaac - home of Doc Martin. But that all happens after the important things of life - like the footy!!!!


  1. All that blue sky made me envious, we've had a serious change of weather in Melbourne and it's freezing! But still no rain. I was in Mildura last weekend and they have forgotten what rain is. Was at Mass last night and a visiting family with little children came in and the little girls were wearing a mantilla and the eldest boy received Communion on the tongue and they certainly didn't like the Sign of Peace. But they were barely the only people with children in the Church.
    Happy travels, Moira. Megs x

  2. Yes it’s different wherever you go really. All part of the travel learning!!!


The Final Episode!

As I was being driven home from the airport last night I was just composing my last post in my head - you know, the usual stuff..... flights...