Saturday, April 7, 2018

Pevensey - Battle

So, after that exciting and traumatic morning, it was time to move on.

As usual, I turned to my trusty little gadget, Gaby Garmin, and she took me safely through the outskirts of Brighton and brought me to my next stop - Pevensey.
Castle at Pevensey
This place had been recommended to me by a few people... including the man who signed my customs entry papers!

When William of Normandy sailed across the Channel to conquer England, he landed at Pevensey. In those days it was a port, but nowadays is over 1 mile from the Coast. He waited there for King Harald who was fighting the enemy up North.

This whole castle was built by the Romans and the Normans used it and changed it to suit their needs.
The audio tour was very informative and helped me understand the whole Battle of Hastings scenario.

Then to top off my very busy day, I went to Mass tonight  :)

Went to the local Mass at Battle at 6 pm. In and out in 45 mins... my kind of Church!!!
As discussed in previous blogs, it's amazing how small and intimate the Catholic Churches are in England now. All the  very obvious and ornate Cathedrals belong to the C of E.
Battle Catholic Chrch
Feeling a bit weary tonight, so I'm off to bed.
Tomorrow night I'll be in Canterbury! :)


  1. Sorry, made some serious spelling mistakes! Those ruins evoke all sorts of feelings don't they? They stand as a testament to time and are still are inspiring. I love that you get so much out of it

  2. The history of the UK continues to amaze me, when I look at these ruins and remember what happened in relation to them.


The Final Episode!

As I was being driven home from the airport last night I was just composing my last post in my head - you know, the usual stuff..... flights...