Sunday, May 13, 2018

Melvich - Tongue - Durness - Lochinver

Today was  day of contrast in so many ways....
The weather started out raining and continued until about 11am -ish. Then it turned into grey skies, then the sun came out this afternoon.

The road journey was also one of contrasts. The road constantly changed as I followed this North Coast 500 route. Sometimes it followed Lochs or Kyles, sometimes it wove around beaches, but for the last part of the day it went around and around and up and down as I followed the mountain route into Lochinver - my stop for the night!
Today's journey
But it was always a source of great amazement to see nature in the raw as something different confronts you around every bend.

Today was Sunday and I had no hope of getting to Church up here in the wilds of Scotland, but I found my God  in so many ways through the beauty and splendour of nature.

My first stop was Tongue, where it was drizzling rain. I intended to get a coffee but nothing presented itself early on a Sunday morning, so I just slipped into the hotel for a loo break and kept going.

The scenery was just beautiful so I'll just keep slipping in some pics of what I passed through today. As usual I could fill this blog with thousands of pics, but I'll try to be selective...

Scenery on the journey

Scenery on the journey
Then all of a sudden I came along this quaint little coffee shop in the middle of nowhere run by an elderly man who kept the toilets locked because people kept using them and they cost money!!!

Coffee shop
This route followed the Kyle of Tongue around and it was a lovely drive.

My next stop was Durness, where I was able to relieve myself of two minor worries. I had meant to fill up with petrol yesterday in Thurso, as I had read and heard that some of these remote places don't sell petrol.... and especially on Sundays. I had about 3/4 a tank, but the car is a bit of a petrol guzzler, so I wasn't sure how long it would last. But fortunately there was a self serve, put your credit card in and get petrol type browser!

My other little problem was that the B&B I stayed as last needed payment and he didn't take a card. Luckily I just had enough cash, but it left me skint. Again, fortunately,  the general store was a Post Office and had an ATM, so I'm flush again, thank goodness.

My first port of call in Durness was Smoo Cave. My friends in Perth, Shelley and John, did this trip last year, so they had worded me up on all the things to do.... and this was something they had done and enjoyed.

Me at Smoo Cave

Steps down to Smoo Cave. OK going down... bloody long way back up!
Entrance to Smoo Cave

From the inside looking out
There were a heap of birds living in that area and they were a bit like kamikaze bombers, so have to admit I didn't linger too long. Nice to look at....  glad to get back to the car.

Next item was lunch and I just found a nice little cafe and had a toastie and a coffee.

S&J had told me about a famous Hot Chocolate Shop called Cocoa Mountain, and I wasn't really interested in the chocolate anyway, but I couldn't find it. Went up and down the road, but either I'm blind or it's hidden away!  Anyway, another "O happy fault" moment, because at the end of the road was a lovely beach, which  I really enjoyed..

Cape Wrath beach

And here's one for all my golfing friends! Complete with sheep on the fairways!

Back on the road and another beautiful place was Scourie

Scourie Beach
Here's a few of the views from the road..

The road
The road
The  road

Laxford Bridge
Scenery along the road
Then, lastly, when I came to Kylesku I had two choices... the easy highway road, or the road over the mountains! I chose the road less travelled.... and what an experience! That was the up and down and round about road... not one straight stretch on it. It was a bit of a challenging experience to drive it. Sometime there would be a crest and I couldn't see where the road went on the other side. And of course, these are all one lane roads. And even though there are lots of passing places, it was really quite hairy!

Half way through, there was a lovely little town called Drumbeg and it was good to get out and stretch after all those gear changes!!!

The last leg of the journey to Lochinver was much smoother, but it was still a relief to reach town. I suspect I have some driving like that tomorrow, but it always  better the next day!!!

Culag Hotel
So there's good news and bad news about my hotel for the night...
The good news is, there is an elevator!
The bad news is the wifi is only available in the bar!!!

So I'm getting this done early tonight - before dinner, so I will have to entertain myself in room without wifi - a novel idea really!!!

That's it for today... lots of driving, lots of beautiful scenery and safely arrived at the destination!
Thank you Jesus!!!


  1. Glad you had to do it early because we had to be at the airport by 3am so I had something to read. Great scenery but you must be so knackered with all the driving but I am thoroughly enjoying the blog and photos.

    1. Aaah the 6am Emirates flight??? I was on that too.... very early start!!!! Glad you’re enjoying the pics etc.... looking forward to seeing yours....😀

  2. What glorious scenery, your pics are beautiful. A little news from home ... it seems your Archbishop is now Melbourne's Archbishop. Times they are a changin'.

    1. Hmmmm... that’s interesting...!!! My Perth friends read about it first here!!!! Moira’s blog is now news of the week!!!! 😀😀😀 Onya Meggsie!!

  3. Hi Moira, what magnificent scenery! Really enjoyed looking at the views. Could almost breathe in the fresh air. - Loved the sheep on the golf course!xx

    1. The fresh air is beautiful Lorraine, and sometimes you can also just breathe in the stillness.... I love it.

  4. So beautiful. Rest up for the next leg! xx

    1. Yes, was a bit weary last night, but had a great sleep.... ready to go again now. 😀


The Final Episode!

As I was being driven home from the airport last night I was just composing my last post in my head - you know, the usual stuff..... flights...